
Interimpex Ltd. has been established in 1991 in Sofia, Bulgaria.

our mission


We believe that the human capital is the most precious one. Our 30 employees are our committed associates. We are always ready to welcome on board people who share our values and are ready to commit high quality work for the development of the company, as well as for their own prosperity. We consider our team as a high value company asset.


To deliver the needed grains and oilseeds of right quality at the right time in a predictable and sustainable manner.


We share the values of hansiatic culture of trading: RISE – Reliability, Integrity, Sustainability, Ethics. For us any business with our partners is just a step of the common journey through ever changing and dynamic markets.


Respect and understanding the needs of both our suppliers and customers is a corner stone of our business philosophy.

Our Management


Kostadin Georgiev Marinov is Founder and CEO Grain business, holding MBA from IUA, San Francisco, USA, Trading and Investment Management.

Associates and Premises:

We believe that the human capital is the most precious one. Our 30 employees are our committed associates. We are always ready to welcome on board people who share our values and are ready to commit high quality work for the development of the company, as well as for their own prosperity. We consider our team as a high value company asset.


The company headquarters are located in office premises in the central part of Sofia City near Parliament building. The Company owns warehouse facility for storage and conditioning of grain – 35’000 mt, located between Black sea Ports Varna and Constanta, village of Stozher, Dobrich region and 3’000 mt on own plot of 4ha in Yambol region, used for deliveries via Burgas Black sea Port. For its commercial operations the company also rents warehouse facilities and silos in the farming regions of the country and at major ports. The company has branch offices in all main agricultural producing regions in Bulgaria.
